The Magisterium

The Magisterium is a paramilitary organization of the Durenai Alliance tasked with monitoring magic users and enforcing the laws regulating the use of magic in the country. Founded after the War of Iron because of the fear that magic could once again become a tool of oppression like it was under the Empire, the Magisterium is the supreme authority in the country when it comes to the arcane arts, with virtually unlimited freedom of action and vast resources at their disposal. Every citizen or foreign visitor is required to register themselves with one of the Magisterium offices, commonly found in all major cities and many minor towns, declaring the nature and extent of their power as well as any magical item in their possession. In addition to that, the Magisterium actively seeks out illegal magical artefacts, confiscating or destroying them when deemed too dangerous to be left in the world.


Right after the civil war the newly formed government of the Alliance had to establish the country’s position regarding magic and magical users. On one hand, the entire reason for the rebellion and the outbreak of the war was to get rid of the magical ruling class that oppressed them under the Empire. On the other hand, many wizards and sorcerers living in Durenai, especially those without academic training or ties to the noble families, actually joined the Alliance and fought alongside regular people, some even rising to important positions inside the rebellion like war heroes Cassandra Corel and Corinne Saltbeck. Outright banishing magic would mean making them outlaws and disrespecting their contribution to the cause.

A compromise was reached by the end of 876 ALL: practice of magic would be tolerated in the Alliance but under very strict rules and limitations. The Magisterium was formed in 877 as the official agency charged with enforcing those rules and hunting down rogue sorcerers in the territories of the Alliance.

The Magic Decree

Formally known as the Decree of rules on magic and sorcery, it established how magic could be used inside the territory of the Alliance.

There are four main points detailed in the decree:

  1. Every magic user must register themselves with the Magisterium, explaining the nature and extent of their power as well as any relevant background information, like formal training received, affiliation with magical institutions outside the Alliance, etc.
  2. Every registered sorcerer wishing to perform magic inside the territory of the Alliance must sustain an exam, conducted by an officer of the Magisterium, where they will be tested on their ability to control their powers. Successfully passing the exam grants them a license lasting one year, authorizing them to cast spells as long as they don’t target another citizen of the Alliance.
  3. Licensed wizards wishing to perform harmless magic on other people, like healing spells, enhancing charms and other beneficial invocations, can apply for a second dedicated license and related exam.
  4. Any display of magic by an unlicensed spellcaster is subject to the authority of the Magisterium, resulting in the arrest and trial of the culprit outside of the regular courts of justice with penalties ranging from imprisonment to execution depending on the gravity of the situation.


The Magisterium agents, called the Inquisitors, are powerful sorcerers trained to deal with threats of arcane nature in addition to more traditional combat and fanatically loyal to their cause. Their main mission is to investigate all illegal uses of magic, dealing with any individual who tries to break the rules or pose a threat to the safety of the nation. Their headquarter is located in Brera but most inquisitors rarely stay there for more than a few days, travelling up and down the country in their incessable hunt for illegal magical items.


The Magisterium headquarters are located in Brera, in the Officium Magisterii, a fortified compound near the city center that houses the inquisitors’ lodges, as well as a prison complex and storage warehouses where confiscated magic items are locked away. Brera was chosen as their base of operation due to its central location and well-connected infrastructure, allowing inquisitors to quickly reach any corner of the country via either train or ship.

Categories: Magisterium | Durenai | Organizations