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Kingdom of Araelith

The Kingdom of Araelith is a sovereign country located in east mainland Iurevar. It was created from a group of smaller reigns located all along the Zaraos river collectively known as the River Kingdoms, which were conquered and unified by a warlord called Barnabas Esemir. Araelith is now one of the main political powers in the continent, as well as the most culturally and magically advanced nation.


Up until the 6th century the plain of the river Zaraos was divided into several small realms ruled by warlords, wizards and nobles of various ranks and origin. These River Kingdoms were an unstable, volatile political ensemble constantly at war with one another for land and power. In 532 ALL one of the warlords, Barnabas Esemir, assembled an army of mercenaries and started to invade the neighboring kingdoms. Esemir was a skilled warrior, a powerful sorcerer and a cunning politician, and managed to conquer all of the realms from the Osmian Mounts to the Jewel Sea through a clever game of alliances and military actions.

After having unified all of the lawless kingdoms under its banner, Esemir established its capital in a small village in the northern part of the plain, building its castle on top of a well-defendable hill and proclaming himself king of the land, founding the Araelithian nation. His family became the first royal bloodline, and would rule the country for more than 200 years before being replaced by their cousin branch, the Midar dynasty , in 741.



The official language is arazi, although low elvish is also commonly spoken by Araelithians as a lingua franca for trading and political relationships with the Durenai Alliance and Kaminathe.


Church of the Last Light



The national currency is the Golden Araz, a triangular golden coin roughly the size of a thumb. Araz silver and copper coins were also produced following the example of the old Imperial Eagle, the currency minted by the Elven Empire, as the latter was commonly used in international exchanges for over three centuries. One Golden Araz is roughly equivalent to an Alliance Flamei , simplifying the trade between the two countries.


The Kingdom of Araelith is an absolute monarchy led by a hereditary sovereign. The ruler is assisted by a counsellor called the Sigilmaster, and a legislative assembly called the Royal Senate. The Senate is composed of exponents of the noble families, as well as representatives of the Church of the Last Light. While the sovereign retains the majority of the powers over the nation, the Senate acts as an advisory body and can propose new laws.

Since the year 741 the country is ruled by the Midar dynasty, a powerful house of wizards that succeeded the Esemir dynasty that held power since the kingdom’s foundation in 534. The current sovereign is Queen Selina Midar, a young but talented sorceress and skilled politician.




Royal Protectors



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