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Kaminathe Republic
The Illustrious Republic of Kaminathe is a sovereign country located in the southern part of mainland Iurevar. It is a nation of merchants and bankers, responsible for a huge part of international trading in the continent.
The official language is kalonian, although low elvish is also commonly spoken by Kaminoans as a lingua franca for trading and political relationships with the Durenai Alliance and the Kingdom of Araelith.
The national currency is the Lira. Lira coins only come in gold and have become infrequent among the population, preferring the use of banknotes and letters of credit. Gold coins are now only used in international trades with other countries, although the Alliance has started accepting kaminoan banknotes and even adopting them for their own currency, and in illicit affairs where the anonymity and immediate value of gold is crucial to avoid law enforcers. Gold lira has the same weight as the old Imperial Eagle, having been reduced from a heavier variant when the Empire became the dominant power to simplify trading.
Despite its name, the Kaminathe Republic is more of an plutocracy than a republic, being led by a circle of wealthy bankers called the Merchant Families. With a varying number of members, historically between 6 and 12, admission to the Families can be either bought when a seat is vacant or passed down from parent to firstborn child. Excluding cases where the seat is sold to another family, members can lose their seat in the council if they go into bankruptcy, a very severe crime in Kaminathe, or if they are voted out by the absolute majority. To this day there is only one recorded instance of a council member being voted out: Maius Karrani of Dephis.