History of Iurevar
The history of civilization dates back to millennia ago, when ancient peoples started forming tribes and villages on the island of Eleron. Back then everyone was capable of wielding magic, and they used it to build cities and defeat the monsters that once inhabited the continent. They spread far and wide, reaching every corner of the land. They stopped only before crossing the vast seas around Iurevar, swarming with deadly sea creatures that engulfed every ship that tried to travel through their domain.
Then magic started to dwindle. Fewer and fewer children were born with magical abilities, and despite even the elves long lifespan the number of sorcerers kept falling over the centuries. Being able to cast spells became the mark of power, as wizards started to become respected and feared individuals. Families of sorcerers became the aristocracy, with some of them still in power even today.
The most commonly used calendar is the Leizian Calendar, introduced by the Church of the Last Light in 22 ALL and quickly adopted by the rest of the world. It uses the event known as the Last Light as its starting point, dividing history into two segments: Before the Last Light (BLL) and After the Last Light (ALL).
Ancient Times (~4000 BLL to 0 ALL)
The Awakening (~4000 BLL)
First recorded evidence of civilization on the continent. The Awakening marks the moment when the Ancient Elves started recording their history in written form, allegedly “awakening” from the slumber of the void, leaving us with scraps of information about the First People and their strong bond with magic.
Era of the Last Light (0 ALL to 591 ALL)
The Last Light (0 ALL)
A catastrophic event that disturbed the magical flow and caused destruction and suffering to magical users. Seen as a sign of anger from Leiza, the Goddess of Light and Order, it is used as the starting point of the Leizian Calendar.
Founding of the Church of the Last Light (22 ALL)
Karnak the Visionary founds the Church of the Last Light in Zoa and introduces the Leizian Calendar.
Foundation of the Elven Empire (512 ALL)
The elves of Eleron conquer the Durenai peninsula and unite the two lands under one banner, founding the Elven Empire that would rule western Iurevar for more than 300 years.
Unification of the River Kingdoms (534 ALL)
King Barnabas Esemir wages war against the other kingdoms of the river Zaraos, unifying them under his banner and founding the Kingdom of Araelith.
Discovery of the Firestone (783 ALL)
Deep in the Dwelan Hills, dwarves discover a firey red mineral with incredible properties. The discovery of the firestone marks the beginning of a new age of progress and technological advancements, powered by this new fuel that burns ten times longer and hotter than coal.
Firerarms and Steam Revolution (801 ALL)
Dwarven smiths produce the first experimental cannons powered by refined firestone. Improvement to weapon manufacturing and firestone processing continued to happen throughout the 9th century, as well as the invention of the firestone steam engine, railroads and trains, and steam-powered machines.
The Ban on Firestone (866 ALL)
Scared by the technological advancements brought forth by the firestone that undermined the importance of magic in industrial and military fields, the Imperial Council issued the Imperial Decree for the Safety and Use of Flammable Substances, a law that prevented the use and production of firestone without the supervision and direct control of a government officer. This effectively banned the use of firestone by the common folk, leading to numerous revolts and uprisings in the entire Durenai peninsula and the creation of the Alliance of the folks for the independence of Durenai.
The War of Iron (867 ALL - 876 ALL)
The War of Iron was a bloody civil war that sparked between the Elven Empire and the Allied Folks for the independence of the Durenai peninsula. Despite the incredible pain and devastation it brought to the peninsula, the war marked an important turning point in warfare and technology being the first conflict to witness the mass deployment of firearms, cannons and mechanical war machines, alongside new military tactics such as muskets firing lines and artillery bombardment.
The Durvan Proclamation of Independence (876 ALL)
The Durvan Proclamation of Independence marked the end of the civil war and the official founding of the Durenai Alliance as an independent, democratic nation.
Today (891 ALL)
The current date in Iurevar’s History.