Durenai Alliance

The youngest nation in the continent, formed in 876 ALL after the civil war against the Elven Empire, the Durenai Alliance is a federal republic that spans the entire Durenai peninsula. The nation is built on the principles of equality, justice and freedom, encouraging technological innovation and self-realization over traditions and magic.

After their victory in the war, the founders declared nobility to be banned, as no person should be considered above their peers just by blood right. A similar treatment was given to magic: although not straight out banned, being born with magical abilities no longer gave any special social status, and the use of magic became highly regulated. The Magisterium was created as the government agency to oversee and control magic in the country. Magical users have to register with the Magisterium and obtain a specific license in order to practice magic in the peninsula under very restrictive conditions, and the agency’s inquisitors are always on the hunt for rogue wizards and illegal sorcery.



The official language is low elvish, the same language spoken under the Empire. Despite heavy arguments regarding its name and the emotional baggage associated with it, the nation’s founders ultimately decided to keep it, as designing a completely new language would be too difficult and would not yield any tangible benefit. The language was also considered a great part of the identity and history of the peninsula inhabitants, and bringing the people together to create a new nation was deemed a much more important result than erasing a painful reminder of the past. Additionally, due to the massive influence of the Empire over the continent, the elvish language was used as a lingua franca for trading and political relationships with Araelith and Kaminathe, and was therefore spoken in basically the entire continent.


While still recovering from nine years of brutal civil war, the Alliance managed to rebuild a fairly rich economy based mainly on the steel industry and mineral extraction. The country is the sole exporter of both raw and refined firestone, mined from the depths of the Dwelan Hills, which is used as both a powerful fuel and a fundamental component of explosive ordnance and munitions. The Breran Woods provide a great source of logs, fueling a rich market for furniture, construction materials and tools. Brera is renowned for the quality of its bows and crossbows.

Fishing and wine are another very developed industry in the Alliance. Treeice is the biggest fishing port in the country, with fresh catch being exported everywhere in the continent by ship or train, as well as one of the finest wine producers in the world.


The national currency is the Flamei. One flamei is a silver coin, with 10 flamei coming in bigger gold pieces, and fractions of a flamei coined in smaller copper pieces. Its weight and value was modelled after the old Imperial Eagle, the currency minted by the Elven Empire, as it was the primary currency used in international exchanges for over three centuries and migrating to a different currency system would have been too expensive. Flamei have their respective value engraved on one side and the country symbol, a cogwheel, on the other.

In recent years the Alliance has started to experiment with paper banknotes, following the example of the Kaminathe Republic that started using them in 885 as a way to reduce minting costs and simplify accounting. They are currently only used for trading between the two countries, as commerce with Araelith still uses the more standard gold coins.


The Alliance is a federal republic composed of five semi-autonomous cities: Durvan, Brera, Treeice, Dorei and Dustkraag. Each city is the capital of its respective province, and is granted a fair amount of autonomy when dealing with matters of local government. They are ruled by a council and a major, with two additional councillors sent to Durvan as representatives in the Council of the Cities, the state main ruling body. They act independently from one another regarding matters of law enforcement, local economic policies, and cultural development; while infrastructure, health care, foreign affairs, and legislation are handled by the state. Each city maintains and controls its own branch of the Civil Guard, while the Army and the Navy are under the direct command of the Council and the Chancellor.


With the civil war still vivid in the memory of the people, the Durenai Alliance maintain what is probably the most advanced and formidable military force in the continent. Soldiers are hired professionals instead of conscripts or mercenaries like in the case of the other nations, undergoing a rigorous training process to teach them not only the basic combat skills but also group tactics and drills aimed at making each platoon as deadly and efficient as possible.


Nicknamed “the Blue Army” due to their light blue coats, the Alliance Grand Army is the land branch and main bulk of the Durenai armed forces. Although smaller in numbers compared to the other countries at around 20000 soldiers, its members receive better training and equipment, as well as a regular salary that allows them to operate and train full time. Infantry units are composed of small platoons of musketeers and pikemen, the latter used to protect the former from cavalry charges while their shots decimate the enemy foot soldiers. This tactic proved extremely effective during the War of Iron, as the elves used a very strong front of infantry with shields and spears in the center, supported by heavy knights to flank the enemy formation and warmages in the rear to cast offensive and defensive spells. Firearms, especially long-range cannons, and the smaller and more nimble Allied formations were instrumental in the defeat of the vastly superior imperial army, as they could quickly engage and route enemy forces before elven wizards could even begin preparing their spells. Elite units of snipers, armed with more modern breechloading rifled muskets, were introduced towards the end of the war to serve as scouts and to conduct covert operations, like eliminating enemy officers from afar or sabotaging enemy supplies.

In peace times the Army also acts as a federal police, overruling the Civil Guard in cases that go beyond the jurisdiction of a single province, for border and immigration control, as well as investigations involving government officials.

The headquarter and primary training ground is in Caer Kaestrum, up in the Osmian Mounts, but the Army has camps and garrisons all over the peninsula.

Civil Guard

The Civil Guard is the military police of the Alliance. Each province has its own detachment, with ample freedom in terms of training, equipment, and structure. They act as peacekeepers and law enforcers within the jurisdiction of their province, policing the civilian population and prosecuting criminal activities within the city borders. They undergo basic but passable training and are usually armed with long spears, short swords, longbows and crossbows, and the occasional musket dating back from the war.

The Alliance Navy is a fairly new naval force that is mainly used to maintain sea superiority near the coasts and to protect merchant ships from pirates. As the Elven Empire did not have a huge naval presence and the civil war was primarily fought on the ground, the Allied Folks did not develop a proper navy up until after the proclamation of independence. Based in Dorei, it is mainly composed of ex merchant ships refitted with light cannons. Their manoeuvrability and long engagement range, especially compared to the standard naval warfare practice of boarding ships in use before the introduction of firearms, make up for the small number of vessels available and the relative lack of experience of their crew.


Main article: The Magisterium

The Magisterium is a paramilitary organization tasked with monitoring magic users and enforcing the laws regulating the use of magic in the country. It is the supreme authority in the country when it comes to the arcane arts, and its inquisitors are grimly famous for their brutal tactics, fervent determination and magical abilities.

Categories: Durenai | Countries