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Duchy of Aman
The Duchy of Aman is a sovereign country located on the island of Aman, in the Orellian Gulf in southern Iurevar. The duchy was a vassal state of the Elven Empire until the civil war, where it secretely sided with the rebels and helped them by providing logistical support and supplies. The duchy is now an independent nation with close ties to both the Durenai Alliance and the Kaminathe Republic.
The official language is low elvish.
Thalinos and the Cult of the Sea
While officially a norvenian society, many rural areas and coastal villages of Aman still follow the ancient traditions related to the sea and its creatures. Thalinos, the old serpent-god of the ocean, is still worshipped in many rural areas and coastal villages. Outside of Aman the cult of the sea is kept alive as a form of superstition by sailors and pirates, who learn to fear and respect the mysteries of the ocean from a very young age.
Although the island has historically used the Imperial Eagle while under the Empire, Aman switched to the Alliance Flamei after the War of Iron.
The ruler of Aman is a sovereign duke or duchess, making it a kind of minor hereditary monarchy. Before its indepenence in 876 ALL, the island was a vassal state of the Elven Empire, hence the appellation of “Duchy” it maintains to this day.
The current sovereign is Duchess Alexa Tagaris, a proud and kind noblewoman that has proved herself a valiant leader during the war, despite the young age and the tragic death of her parents by the hand of the Empire.