Iurevar Wiki

A continent divided between the old ways and the roaring engines of progress, Iurevard is home to many different peoples, each with their ambitions and fears, but all ultimately fighting to find their place in this ever-changing world. Magic is strong but confined to the hands of the elite, while the common folk is rapidly improving their condition thanks to great advancements in technology and engineering. Mechanics and steam-powered machines allowed people to develop weapons and gears to help them fight and work on their own, lessening their reliance on magic and the powerful sorcerers that once ruled the world. As a result, new societies are born that defy the rule of old and promise a more fair, egalitarian, and free world to live in. Will the old countries manage to survive this wave of change, or will they succumb to the new world? Only time will tell…

Welcome to Iurevar!

Iurevar is a land of magic and power, inhabited by many different peoples and cultures. Magic is powerful, but cannot be learned as one must be born with magical abilities in order to wield it. This led to wizards and sorcerers becoming the elite, forming powerful dynasties like House Midar of Araelith or the Merchant Families of Kaminathe. However, thanks to the explosion of innovation and research in recent years, technology is rising as a means for common folk to free themselves from the yoke of magic.

This wiki contains all the available information about the Iurevar fantasy world, from historical events like the War of Iron to culture and politics regarding the nations of Iurevar like the Durenai Alliance. A good place to start is by reading the History of Iurevar.

Feel free to explore, ask questions, and use the content of this website for your own material! The entire setting is licensed the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. More information can be found here.

