Articles with category "Durenai"

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Located deep into the Breran Woods, Brera is a thriving trading city thanks to the railroad that connects it to Durvan, Dorei and Treeice. The city is mainly associated with the firestone distribution, with refined mineral coming down from Dustkraag to be shipped to the rest of the world, as well as its lumber industry, producing and exporting high-quality wooden furniture, tools, and construction materials. Brera is also renowned for its extensive public library and the vicinity to the Ashkali Academy, one of the five major wizardry schools. Read more...
Durenai Alliance
The youngest nation in the continent, formed in 876 ALL after the War of Iron against the Elven Empire, the Durenai Alliance is a federal republic that spans the entire Durenai peninsula. The nation is built on the principles of equality, justice and freedom, encouraging technological innovation and self-realization over traditions and magic. Read more...
The capital of the Durenai Alliance, Durvan is nicknamed The City of Iron because of the multitude of pipes, towers and suspended railways that dot the skyline. The city is the seat of the Council of the Cities and the Engineering College. Durvan is the economic and political center of the country, thanks in part to its key position in the Orellian Gulf that makes it a popular crossway for trade routes to Kaminathe and Araelith. Read more...
Dustkraag rose to prominence at the end of the 8th century when firestone was discovered in the Dwelan Hills. The city is now the principal firestone production center in the continent, where the mineral mined in the hills is pulverised and refined into ingots before being shipped to Brera, and from there to the rest of the world via train. The Schillan Mining Company, the biggest firestone mining company, has its main production site in Dustkraag. Read more...
Elven Empire draft
The Elven Empire was a powerful nation that ruled over Eleron and the Durenai peninsula from 512 ALL to 876 ALL. Read more...
Magisterium Inquisitors
The Inquisitors, also known as Witch Hunters or Black Guards, are the agents of the Magisterium, charged with enforcing the strict rules of the Durenai Alliance regarding the use of magic. They are deadly warmages trained to fight any magical entity or person that threatens the stability of the Alliance. Description Grimly known for their black attire and wide-brimmed hats, the inquisitors are an elite corp of sorcerers trained to protect the Alliance and its citizens from threats of magical natures. Read more...
Schillan Mining Company
The biggest firestone production company in the continent, Schillan Mining Co. is headquartered in Brera but has its main production site in Dustkraag. The company is headed by Edmund Schillan, the founder and principal shareholder. An ex-imperial aristocrat that accepted to renounce its title and help the Alliance during the war, he gained significant influence and power thanks to the company, which closely collaborate with the federal governement in exchange for some leniency over its less legitimate businesses. Read more...
The Magisterium
The Magisterium is a paramilitary organization of the Durenai Alliance tasked with monitoring magic users and enforcing the laws regulating the use of magic in the country. Founded after the War of Iron because of the fear that magic could once again become a tool of oppression like it was under the Empire, the Magisterium is the supreme authority in the country when it comes to the arcane arts, with virtually unlimited freedom of action and vast resources at their disposal. Every citizen or foreign visitor is required to register themselves with one of the Magisterium offices, commonly found in all major cities and many minor towns, declaring the nature and extent of their power as well as any magical item in their possession. In addition to that, the Magisterium actively seeks out illegal magical artefacts, confiscating or destroying them when deemed too dangerous to be left in the world. Read more...
War of Iron draft
The War of Iron, also known as the Durenai War of Independence, was a civil war fought from 867 to 876 in the Durenai peninsula between the Elven Empire and a coalition of Durenaian citizens called the Allied Folks. The war marked a major turning point in the history of Iurevar not only for causing the formation of the Durenai Alliance and the dissolution of the Empire but also for being the first military conflict to witness widespread usage of firearms, cannons and war machines powered by firestone. It was also the first conflict where magic was severely defeated in open combat. Read more...